Choosing a Flower Arrangement for a Man’s funeral or Memorial service
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to help you decide on the perfect choice of flowers. While most flower varieties are suitable for a man’s funeral, there are some that are considered as more neutral or a masculine choice. Below we have listed some of the more popular choices for a man’s funeral or memorial service.
In addition to the type of flower and the choice of arrangement there are also colors that are considered more appropriate for men, colors viewed as more masculine. Usually primary colors or neutral colors are considered the best choice. Softer colors like pink, lavender and light blue are often considered as feminine.
While this has been written as a guide, there are no firm rules. Often the best choices are the favorite colors of the departed, or his favorite flowers. For example, for a sports fan you might choose the colors of his favorite team and include a personal item in the arrangement that was special to him. For a gardener you might choose an arrangement that includes his favorite flowers.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call. We are always happy to assist you to choose the perfect floral arrangement.
Our Most Popular Funeral flower Choices for Men
Flower Ideas for Men, Dad
![]() Traditional Red, White and Blue Basket The combination of blue, white and red flowers in this traditional basket arrangement is a striking choice for men. This is an excellent choice as a sympathy arrangement or for a funeral, memorial or graveside placement. |
![]() This large vase is a bright masculine choice, especially for a celebration of life. |
![]() This popular memorial wreath is often ordered for masculine memorials, it features grouping of Bold colors that can be substituted for his favorite colors. |
![]() This monochromatic mixed flower arrangement is shown in striking white but is also available in red, yellow and all shades of orange. |
![]() Makes a statement! This arrangement is available in multiple color choices making it a good choice if you are looking for his favorite color. |
![]() The endless variety of colors available makes this a good choice if you are trying to match his favorite sports team color or colors. |
![]() This Red/ White/ Blue tribute is a striking way to remember his life. |
![]() Shown in Monochromatic, this mixed flower tribute is a beautiful way to adorn his coffin. This is an appropriate choice far a man’s funeral as shown in white but is also available in red, yellow and orange. |
Personalized Funeral Flower Arrangements
While all of our flower arrangements can be personalized to better reflect the life of your loved one, these are the most popular choices to personalize. A personal item or picture is incorporated into the arrangement as a tribute to, and reminder of your special loved one.
Flower Ideas for an Outdoors man and Gardeners
What to wear to a Memorial or Funeral Service for a man
While exact customs may vary it is usually considered inappropriate to dress causally for a funeral or memorial service. In most cases it is preferable to dress in business attire. A suit, pressed white or light colored collared shirt and a tie are the best choices.
Also it is usually a good idea to dress in conservative colors. Ties should be solid or of a simple pattern and the suit should be black or a dark color. Usually it is best not to choose bright colors or loud patterned ties.
Do you still have questions?
Choosing a flower arrangement for a man can seem difficult. We are happy to help with any questions you might have, please give us a call. All of our funeral flower arrangements can be customized to match the taste of your loved one. We are happy to share some ideas to help you get the perfect Funeral, Memorial or Sympathy floral arrangement.